Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Peach Fruit Leather

Definitely buy "freestone" peaches, otherwise it's too time-consuming and painful to process those little cheeks. You'll need a dryer (dehydrator), but for those of you nearby, I'd be more than happy to share mine.

10-20 peaches, ripe
sugar to taste

1. Wash peaches and remove pits. (You can remove the skin or leave on as desired.) Place in food processor or blender and puree until smooth.

2. Pour into large saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring. Add sugar according to taste. Continue boiling until temperature reaches 190 F. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

3. Cover drying racks with saran wrap or use fruit-leather sheets. Spray with non-stick cooking spray.

4. Ladle puree onto sheets, spreading out middle so it's ~ 1/8" in the middle and ~ 1/4" on the edges (at least get it a little thicker on the edges as much as you can- my peach pure was still pretty runny).

5. Dry at 135 F or "fruit-leather" setting for ~6-8 hours. Leather will no longer be sticky to the touch when done.

6. While still warm, peel off the tray and roll into a tube. Keep in air-tight container away from direct sunlight (it'll leech the color).

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